A Letter to My Husband About the Woman That Has Part of my Heart


I love you. I have loved you for years and I love you more as time goes on. You were made for me and I for you. The day we met, I knew I would be your wife. You and I have created an amazing life together. We said our vows and agreed to love each other in sickness and in health, good times and bad, for richer or poorer. We’ve experienced all of these things and there is no one else I’d rather go through this life with. We always said, forever, for always, and no matter what. I hope you really meant those words when you said them to me. What I want to tell you may or may not come as a surprise. I can guarantee you it was not planned and not intentional. It is something that took me by surprise. I was blindsided and tried to ignore how I felt. I met her. I met the only woman that I’ve ever been truly attracted to. I was not looking for her. I was not seeking her and she was not seeking me, but there she was. I care for her. I have such strong feelings for her. Before you get angry and stop reading, please, please let me finish. My feelings for her, takes nothing away from my love for you. I am still your wife and I still love you so completely. I need you to understand, or at least try to understand how I feel. I don’t want to leave you. That’s not what this is. I want to be your wife. I always have and always will. This is my plea for you to understand. I want you both. It’s not easy to say and I know it’s certainly not an easy pill for you to swallow. But I beg you, please try to hear me. I am YOUR wife and I will do wha YOU want because I made those promises to you. If you want me to walk away and never speak to her again, it is done. But please don’t make me do that. Please think about how I feel. Think about how hard this was for me. Think about how I must feel to get to this point, to basically risk life as I know it. You know what we’ve been through. You know how deep my love is for you. I swear to you, that has not and never will change. I respect you. And I promise you nothing inappropriate has happened between she and I. I love and care for you too much to do that to you. Please, I know this is nothing we ever thought we would face, but here we are, and here I am – asking you to have an open mind and understand my plea. I love you. I always have. I always will….but I think I love her too….

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